14 June 2014

Given..When..Then.. in JUnit

Warning: In this blog I fret over minutiae.

A popular way of writing tests (or testable specifications) in BDD (or ATDD) is the Given..When..Then.. format, as seen in Cucumber, JBehave, etc.
The given..when..then.. format is a sequence of English statements e.g. 
    Given a user called Smith exists
    And a user called Jones exists
    When I go to the list users page
    Then Jones should appear before Smith in the user list
There can be multiple of each type of clause, using ‘and’.
Each clause gets implemented using regular code.  ‘Given' clauses set up the data ready for the test.  ‘When' clauses run code under test.  ‘Then' clauses assert things about the results of the code under test.

Given..When..Then.. in JUnit
At last year’s Devoxx UK I saw a talk on BDD.  BDD is of course so much more than the Given..When..Then.. style of tests, but they looked like something I could try straight away.  But, I didn’t want to commit to a whole new set of tools (and introducing new tools at work takes more paperwork than would be worthwhile for a whim).

So, I looked for easy ways to do the Given..When..Then.. style of tests in plain old JUnit.  My first attempt was just a matter of:
  1. extracting chunks of the test into methods named given… when…. then…,
  2. changing local variables that were used by more than one chunk into fields,

e.g. (This is a simple example, but) I would turn a test like:

public void testAdd() {
 Set<String> set = MySet.of("value1", "value2", "value3");
 assertThat(set.size(), is(4));

into something like:

public void testAdd() {
 givenIHaveASetContaining("value1", "value2", "value3");
 thenTheSetShouldContain("value1", "value2", "value3", "value4");
private void givenIHaveASetContaining(String… values) {
 set = MySet.of(values);
private void whenIAddAValue(String value) {
private void thenTheSetShouldContain(String… values) {
 for(String value : values ) {
private void andTheSizeOfTheSetShouldBe(int size) {
 assertThat( set.size(), is(size) );

That’s certainly longer, but is it better?  Try looking at just the @Test method.  It is more readable, and this style stays readable even for more complicated tests with lots of mocks and ‘verify's and ‘ArgumentMatcher’s (I use mockito).  That is better, though I’ll improve on it further down.

When I was first getting used to this, I would write tests the same way I used to, and then use the IDE’s ‘extract method’ refactoring to pull out the givens, whens, and thens.  I quickly found that these given/when/then methods were very reusable when I was writing related tests.  For example a test for the addAll method could use all of the same given and then methods.

Once I got used to it, it became easier to start writing the test in the given..when..then.. form before I implemented the given..when..then.. methods.  I was thinking about what was being tested, instead of how to test it.  This turned out to make it easier for me to reason about what path through code the test was exercising, making it easier for me to write tests that covered all branches of the code.

The first and easiest thing to fix is that the test with the example above, is that the name is breaking the very important rule to describe behaviour not implementation.  So, that’s an easy change:
public void testAdd()
can become
public void shouldBeAbleToAddOneItemToASet()

That was the first thing to fix, so there must be a second:
The given/when/then methods were very reusable, but consider this test:

public void removingLastItemLeavesSetEmpty {
 Set<String> set = MySet.of("value1");//givenIHaveASetContaining("value1");
 assertThat(set.size(), is(0));

The assertion here was previously extracted as andTheSizeOfTheSetShouldBe.  Which is weird given there’s no then… call before it in this test.  So, either I need to have two methods doing the same thing: one with a then… prefix, one with the and… prefix, or I need to stop using the and… prefix entirely.  I didn’t like that, so I came up with another way.

It turns out that the compiler will let you have more than one label with the same name in a method (only an issue if you have multiple and… clauses).  My IDE complains about multiple of the same label, but I never use labels in other situations, so I turned off that check.

public void shouldBeAbleToAddOneItemToASet() {
 given: iHaveASetContaining("value1", "value2", "value3");
 when: iAddAValue("value4");
 then: theSetShouldContain("value1", "value2", "value3", "value4");
 and: theSizeOfTheSetShouldBe(4);

public void removingLastItemLeavesSetEmpty {
 given: iHaveASetContaining("value1");
 when: iRemoveTheValue("value1");
 then: theSizeOfTheSetShouldBe(4);

So I am able to have a then clause shown with a then: prefix or with an and: prefix.  This makes it easier to read.

Most of these are standard advice, some may be my own invention.
  1. Give tests sentence like names that describe the behaviour of the code under test, and not just test + name of method under test.
  2. Your when clause should not be named after the method under test either.  There are many ways a method could be renamed without changing its behaviour.  It is the behaviour that you are interested in testing.
  3. The sequence for the clauses of your test should be ‘given' ‘when' ‘then'.  If you have them out of order, then either
    • you have a mislabeled clause: I have seen tests that had a clause mislabeled as a 'when’ instead of ‘given’ (because it was calling part of the code under test).  If it is setting things up for the code being tested, then it should be a ‘given’ clause.
    • or you are testing two things instead of one thing: in which case split your test into separate tests that test only one thing each.
  4. The ‘then' clauses need to include the word ‘should’.  Then clauses are not necessarily describing what does happen, they are describing what is supposed to happen.
        then:userNameIs("fred"); //bad
        then:userNameWillBe("fred"); //bad
        then:userNameShouldBe("fred"); //good
  5. try to keep a consistent and appropriate level of abstraction for the clauses of your tests.
    • you can have multiple statements in one given/when/then method, to hide the fiddly details of one step behind a clause that describes things at a higher level.
  6. Given clauses are optional (e.g. if there’s nothing to set up for the code under test)
  7. When clauses are necessary (otherwise you’re not running the code under test)
  8. Then clauses are necessary (otherwise you’re not checking the results of running the code under test)
  9. If some prepopulated or default data is very relevant to your test, then consider having a given clause that asserts the data matches the expected value.
  10. I have a trick for dealing with exceptions that I’ll address in another post.

There is a lot more to BDD than given..when..then.. style tests, and I’d certainly recommend learning about BDD, but that isn’t the point of this post.  The given..when..then.. style does work at the unit test level, and you can try it without switching to new tools.  If you decide you don’t like it you can just inline the methods again.  
Given..when..then.. turns tests into documents that describe code behaviour in a way that’s easy to read.  It makes it easier to reuse test code.  It makes it easier to cover more of the code under test.  It makes it easier to maintain tests (as the purpose of tests are easier to understand later on).

Please try it.  This style will bend your brain to start with, but you will end up at a place where testing becomes easier (still work, but easier).

18 July 2011

@PublicForTest Part 2: tricking the compiler into letting me access private members

In the previous post, I described how I used a java agent, and BCEL to modify the visibility of annotated fields as they got loaded by the VM, with the purpose of allowing unit tests to access private fields, and methods.

The Next Step
The next step was to trick the compiler into letting me compile unit tests that accessed private members. To do this I had to intercept the javac's attempt to load the class file being accessed, and perform the same modification to the class being loaded as was done with the java agent.

The Solution
Whenever javac loads a .class or .java file, it reads it from an implementation of javax.tools.FileObject. So, I decided to intercept calls to this, and wrap it with my own code for doing the transformation.

Problems with BCEL
BCEL hasn't had a new release in years, and can't handle annotations without extra work. As described in the previous post, I was able to work around this. But, BCEL was also inconvenient to use when modifying and adding methods (as I was doing to implementations of FileObject). So, I opted to change what I'd written to use ASM's tree API. (Note ASM also has a streaming/visitor API - think SAX vs DOM - but the tree API looked like it would be easier for me to work with.)

In some places ASM seemed to be lower level than BCEL (I had to write my own code for getting the full transitive list of super-classes and interfaces to a class by walking up the inheritance tree); but ASM appears to take care of some of the fiddly bits of modifying classes. For example, with BCEL I had to add an entry to a class's constant pool when I was adding a method. ASM took care of this for me.

Because I was writing a second class transformer to take care of the compiler's FileObject class, I pulled out common parts into an abstract class:
abstract class AbstractTransformer implements ClassFileTransformer {
   * {@inheritDoc}
  public byte[] transform( 
    final ClassLoader loader, final String className,
    final Class classBeingRedefined, final ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
    final byte[] classfileBuffer
  ) throws IllegalClassFormatException {
    try {
      final ClassNode classNode = readClass( classfileBuffer );
      boolean changed = transformClass( classNode );
      if( changed ) {
        return writeClass( classNode );
      return null;
    } catch( final Throwable t ) {
      t.printStackTrace( System.err );
      return null;

   * Reads a class node from its raw bytes.
   * @param classfileBuffer The bytes.
   * @return The ClassNode.
  private ClassNode readClass( final byte[] classfileBuffer ) {
    final ClassNode classNode = new ClassNode();
    final ClassReader reader = new ClassReader( classfileBuffer );
    reader.accept( classNode, 0 );
    return classNode;

   * Transforms a class.
   * @param classNode The class to transform.
   * @return true if changes were made
  protected abstract boolean transformClass( ClassNode classNode );

   * Turns a class node into bytes.
   * @param classNode The class node.
   * @return The bytes.
  private byte[] writeClass( final ClassNode classNode ) {
    final ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter( 0 );
    classNode.accept( writer );
    return writer.toByteArray();

Re-implementing the BCEL based transformer
Changing to ASM was pretty straight-forward for my simple case.
class PublicForTestTransformer extends AbstractTransformer {
  public static final String PUBLIC_ANNOTATION = "Lorg/upbiit/publicfortest/annotations/PublicForTest;";

   * Constructor.
   * @param agentArgs arguments that came through {@code -javaagent} on the command line.
  public PublicForTestTransformer( String agentArgs ) {
    //do nothing

   * {@inheritDoc}
  protected boolean transformClass( ClassNode classNode ) {
    boolean changed = false;
    if( hasPublicForTestAnnotation( classNode ) ) {
      classNode.access = setAccess( classNode.access, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC );
      changed = true;
    for( FieldNode field : (List<fieldnode>) classNode.fields ) {
      if( hasPublicForTestAnnotation( field ) ) {
        field.access = setAccess( field.access, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC );
        changed = true;
    for( MethodNode method : (List<methodnode>) classNode.methods ) {
      if( hasPublicForTestAnnotation( method ) ) {
        method.access = setAccess( method.access, Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC );
        changed = true;
    return changed;

   * Returns true if something has the {@link PublicForTest} annotation.
   * @param node The class/method/field node.
   * @return {@code true} if the annotation is present.
  @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
  private boolean hasPublicForTestAnnotation(MemberNode node) {
    if( node.invisibleAnnotations != null ) {
      for(AnnotationNode annotation : (List<annotationnode>) node.invisibleAnnotations ) {
        if( PUBLIC_ANNOTATION.equals(annotation.desc)) {
          return true;
    return false;
   * Does the bit twiddling to change the public/private/protected value of access flags.
   * @param access The current access flags.
   * @return The new access flags.
  protected int setAccess( final int access, final int newAccess ) {
    return access & ~( Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED | Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE | Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC )
                  | newAccess;

Tricking the compiler
With the change to use ASM done, I'm where I started, but using an API that should be easier to work with for the next step: stopping the compiler from complaining when it builds a test that is accessing a private field/method marked @PublicForTest.

A large chunk of the code for the second transformer was involved in determining if a class it had been given inherited from javax.tools.FileObject. Where BCEL had a method that would give you a list of superclasses, and interfaces; ASM would only give the immediate superclass and interfaces (i.e. the ones you inherit/extend, but not the ones they inherit/extend). While this code is long, it is just a matter of loading each of those classes and checking their parents recursively.

Once it knows that it is a FileObject implementation, the code checks for openInputStream(). It renames this method, makes it private, and adds a new method in its place. The new method calls the old one, and passes the result to a utility method WrapHelper.wrap(...), which performs the same transformation done by the first class transformer.

Adding the new method is done with the method createWrapperMethod(...). This creates a node representing the new method, and adds instructions to it. Instruction names should be familiar if you've used javap to disassemble a class file; in fact that's how I knew what instructions to add - I wrote the desired method in Java, then disassembled it. This was simpler than my first attempt using BCEL. With BCEL, I would have had to worry about constant pools, and variable tables.
class PublicForTestCompilerTransformer extends AbstractTransformer {
   * Prefix added to modified methods.
  public static final String PFT_PREFIX = "$$PublicForTest$$";
   * Class names that are known to inherit from {@link javax.tools.FileObject}.
  private Set<string> implementFileObject = new HashSet<string>();
   * Class names that are known to not inherit from {@link javax.tools.FileObject}.
  private Set<string> doesntImplementFileObject = new HashSet<string>();

   * Constructor.
   * @param agentArgs arguments that came through {@code -javaagent} on the command line.
  public PublicForTestCompilerTransformer(String agentArgs) {
    implementFileObject.add( "javax/tools/FileObject" );

   * {@inheritDoc}
  @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
  protected boolean transformClass( ClassNode classNode ) {
    boolean match = inheritsFromFileObject( classNode );
    if( (classNode.access & Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE) == Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE) {
      return false;

    if( !match ) {
      return false;
    } else {
      System.err.println("Found a match : " + classNode.name);
    MethodNode method = findMethod(classNode, "openInputStream", "()Ljava/io/InputStream;");
    if( method == null ) {
      return false;
    MethodNode newMethod  = createWrapperMethod(classNode, method);
    return true;

   * Modifies implementations of {@link javax.tools.FileObject#openInputStream()}.
   * Changes its name, and makes it private.
   * Adds a new method in its place, which delegates to the now private method.
   * @param classNode The class containing the method implementation.
   * @param delegate The old method.
   * @return The newly created replacement method.
  private MethodNode createWrapperMethod(ClassNode classNode, MethodNode delegate ) {
    @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
    MethodNode wrapper = new MethodNode(delegate.access, delegate.name, delegate.desc, delegate.signature, (String[])delegate.exceptions.toArray(new String[0]));
    delegate.name = PFT_PREFIX + delegate.name;
    delegate.access = setAccess( delegate.access, Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE );
    InsnList instructions = new InsnList();
    instructions.add( new VarInsnNode( Opcodes.ALOAD, 0 ) );
    instructions.add( new VarInsnNode( Opcodes.ALOAD, 0 ) );
    instructions.add(new MethodInsnNode( Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, classNode.name, delegate.name, delegate.desc));

    String returnType = delegate.desc.replaceAll("^.*\\)","");
    instructions.add(new MethodInsnNode(
            Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, "org/upbiit/publicfortest/WrapHelper",
            "wrap", "(Ljavax/tools/FileObject;" + returnType + ")"+returnType
    instructions.add(new InsnNode(Opcodes.ARETURN));
    wrapper.instructions = instructions;
    return wrapper;
   * Determines if a class inherits from FileObject.
   * The asm library only tells you immediate parents of a type, so we have to travel the hierarchy ourselves.
   * Caches results, so we don't repeat work, using {@link #implementFileObject} and {@link #doesntImplementFileObject}.
   * @param className Name of the class being checked.
   * @return {@code true} if the class inherits from FileObject.
  private boolean inheritsFromFileObject(final String className) {
    if( doesntImplementFileObject.contains( className) ) {
      return false;
    if( implementFileObject.contains( className )) {
      return true;
    try {
      ClassReader reader = new ClassReader(className);
      reader.accept( visitor, 0 );
    } catch( IOException e ) {
      doesntImplementFileObject.add( className );
      return false;
    if( implementFileObject.contains( className )) {
      return true;
    } else {
      doesntImplementFileObject.add( className );
      return false;
   * Determines if a class inherits from FileObject.
   * The asm library only tells you immediate parents of a type, so we have to travel the hierarchy ourselves.
   * Caches results, so we don't repeat work, using {@link #implementFileObject} and {@link #doesntImplementFileObject}.
   * @param className Class being checked.
   * @return {@code true} if the class inherits from FileObject.
  private boolean inheritsFromFileObject(final ClassNode classNode) {
    if( doesntImplementFileObject.contains( classNode.name) ) {
      return false;
    if( implementFileObject.contains( classNode.name )) {
      return true;
    classNode.accept( visitor );
    if( implementFileObject.contains( classNode.name )) {
      return true;
    } else {
      doesntImplementFileObject.add( classNode.name );
      return false;

   * Visitor that checks if the class being visited inherits from FileObject.
  private final ClassVisitor visitor = new EmptyVisitor() {
      public void visit(int version, int access, String name, String signature, String superName, String[] interfaces) {
        if( superName != null && inheritsFromFileObject( superName)) {
          implementFileObject.add( name );
        for(String iface : interfaces ) {
          if( inheritsFromFileObject( iface )) {
            implementFileObject.add( name );


  @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
  private MethodNode findMethod( ClassNode classNode, String method, String signature ) {
    for(MethodNode methodNode : (List<methodnode>)classNode.methods ) {
      if( methodNode.name.equals( method ) && methodNode.desc.equals(signature)) {
        return methodNode;
    return null;
   * Does the bit twiddling to change the public/private/protected value of access flags.
   * @param access The current access flags.
   * @return The new access flags.
  protected int setAccess( final int access, final int newAccess ) {
    return access & ~( Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED | Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE | Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC )
                  | newAccess;

   * Called by code that {@link PublicForTestCompilerTransformer} inserts into implementations of
   * {@link javax.tools.FileObject#openInputStream()}.
   * @param fileObject The file object being read from.
   * @param is The input stream that {@code fileObject} produced.
   * @return An input stream containing a modified version of class files.
   * @throws IOException if there's a problem reading the class from {@code is}.
  public static InputStream wrap(FileObject fileObject, InputStream is) throws IOException {

    if( fileObject instanceof JavaFileObject ) {
      JavaFileObject jfo = (JavaFileObject) fileObject;
      if( jfo.getKind() == JavaFileObject.Kind.CLASS ) {
        ClassReader reader = new ClassReader( is );
        ClassNode node = new ClassNode();
        reader.accept( node, 0);
        transformer.transformClass( node );
        ClassWriter writer = new ClassWriter( 0);
        return new ByteArrayInputStream(writer.toByteArray());
    return is;

Once this was all done, I was able to compile my test code from the command line:
Note that the -J arguments are passed to the Java VM.
javac   /Users/ntdaley/Work/publicForTest/test/src/test/java/org/upbiit/publicfortest/test/CodeRewriteTest.java  -J-javaagent:/Users/ntdaley/Work/publicForTest/test/target/dependency/agent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar=compile  -J-Xbootclasspath/a:target/dependency/asm-all-3.3.1.jar:target/dependency/agent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

And run it from the command line:
Note the src/test/java is because I let the compiler put the class file in the same folder as the java file.
java -javaagent:./target/dependency/agent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -J-Xbootclasspath/a:target/dependency/asm-all-3.3.1.jar:target/dependency/agent-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar  -cp src/test/java/ org.upbiit.publicfortest.Test

Without the java agent in both calls, javac or java would complain about the attempts to access privateField, which is private to NewClass, but has the @PublicForTest annotation.
public class Test {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      NewClass  n = new NewClass();
      n.privateField = 3;
      assert n.privateField == 3;
      System.out.println("The value in privateField is " + n.privateField);
      try {

        for( Method m : NewClass.class.getDeclaredMethods()) {
      } catch( Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

Success.... sort of
So, now I'm able to compile and run test code that accesses private members of the class under test. The next thing I wanted to do, was to try it in a more realistic situation - with a maven project which would compile and run tests with the java agent enabled.

Unfortunately, I discovered that the maven compiler plugin doesn't work with -J (VM) command line arguments. (This is because it uses argument files - e.g. javac @argfiles, which do not work with -J arguments.)

To solve this, I could write my own plexus compiler implementation (this is the library Maven uses to compile things). Or, it may be possible to wrap the compiler's FileObjects by hooking in with an annotation processor instead of a java agent (this looks to be what Project Lombok does). This may tie the code more closely to a particular version of javac, and would require using more undocumented parts of javac. But, it would be more likely to work with different build tools, as it would be attached to javac in the same way as any annotation processor.

Work left to do
The first thing will be to find a way to wrap the class files loaded by the compiler, in a way that works with Maven (and ideally other build tools).

I may also try to create an alternative, where the annotation is placed on the code that will access the private variables, to see which is easier to use. In this scenario, the transformation would be done at compile time - changing normal field/method accesses to use reflection with setAccessible(boolean); so the java agent wouldn't be needed when running the tests. Also, there would be no risk of behaviour changing for other code using reflection - as the fields/methods would continue to be private. This annotation might look like:
public void testMethod() {

I found ASM to be easier for my purposes than BCEL. ASM was able to read annotations from class files on its own, and where BCEL required me to add entries into the constant pool for any methods I added, ASM seems to take care of this for me. However, I have not gone very deep into either library, so I can't claim to be giving a balanced comparison.

I had assumed that it would be straight-forward to use my publicfortest library when tests were compiled through Maven; this proved problematic. It will probably need to hook into the compiler as an annotation processor instead of a java agent, with the side-effect that it will have to interact with more internal parts of the compiler - becoming more fragile against changes between compiler versions.

06 June 2011

@PublicForTest letting tests access private members

Yesterday, I was looking at the JavaDocs for Google Guava (what else would I do with my weekend?).  Specifically I was looking at  the @VisibleForTesting annotation, and thinking that it was a shame that class members can't be kept private for production code, and still be usable by tests.

Then it occurred to me that Project Lombok has proved that the code you type doesn't have to be exactly the code that the compiler sees.  Now, I'm not entirely comfortable with that much magic going on in production code, but in test code I have more control over the environment, and users won't be inconvenienced if it fails.

The Concept
So, my idea is to use java.lang.instrument, and BCEL to make a java agent, which would find methods and fields annotated with a new annotation: @PublicForTest, and change their visibility to make them public.  Then, this java agent could be used when running unit tests, and tests could be written that directly accessed non-public fields and methods.

The current version (5.2) of BCEL doesn't give you any help when it comes to annotations.  The next version (5.3) looks like it has support for querying annotations, but I'd rather not touch it while it's a snapshot version.  Fortunately, I came across an article from a few years ago by Don Schwarz, with examples of using BCEL with annotations.

Progress So Far
A few hours later, I have a java agent that will make private turn into public.  So, now if I could compile a test that accessed a private member, it would run.  But, of course I can't compile code that accesses a private field/method.  So, the next task is to trick the compiler into thinking the private fields are public.

Tricking the Compiler
The java agent I've written so far won't do it, because the compiler isn't loading the classes, it's reading them as files.  I don't believe an annotation processor would do it, because I don't want this to affect the class file created that uses the @PrivateForTest annotation, I just want to affect how the compiler sees the already compiled class when it's compiling the test classes.   I've had a look inside javac, and it looks like all file access goes through implementations of an interface called JavaFileManager.  I had hoped to discover a hidden option to the compiler to allow me to push in my own implementation of this, but no luck.  My current idea is to add to the java agent to do something similar to an AOP around advice.  If the java agent transforms any subclass of JavaFileManager to return my own implementation of JavaFileObject or FileObject, then I should be able to transform the class information that the compiler reads, again turning private turn into public.

This meddling with the compiler internals is very ugly, but I'm hoping a little ugly code in one place may be worth it to make things nicer elsewhere.  I'd be interested if anyone has better ideas on how to achieve the same ends.

The Code
This was my first attempt with using either BCEL, or java.lang.instrument, so I won't post everything until I've got it tidied up, and have the compile-time side of things figured out.  But, here's the basics:

The annotation PublicForTest.java
public @interface PublicForTest {

I actually configured maven to add this line to the manifest.  When you run java using -javaagent: it looks in the manifest of the jar you give it for a line like the following to tell it where the agent's main class is.
Premain-Class: org.upbiit.publicfortest.PreMain

The main class PreMain.java
All my PreMain class does is register a transformer to use on any classes that get loaded.
public class PreMain {
  public static void premain(String agentArgs, Instrumentation inst) {
    inst.addTransformer( new PublicForTestTransformer(agentArgs));

The transformer PublicForTestTransformer.java
Once a ClassFileTransformer has been registered with Instrumentation, this class will be called for every class that gets loaded, it has the opportunity to change the bytes that make up the class file. Here, I've used BCEL to read the class, modify the visibility of the fields and methods that I'm interested in, and turn it back into bytes.
class PublicForTestTransformer implements ClassFileTransformer {
  static {
    AnnotationReader ar = new AnnotationReader();
    Attribute.addAttributeReader( "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations", ar );
    Attribute.addAttributeReader( "RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations", ar );
  public PublicForTestTransformer( String agentArgs ) {
    //do nothing
  public byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader,
                 String className,
                 Class classBeingRedefined,
                 ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
                 byte[] classfileBuffer)
                 throws IllegalClassFormatException {
    try {
    ClassParser parser = new ClassParser(
        new ByteArrayInputStream( classfileBuffer), className+".java"
    JavaClass javaClass = parser.parse();
    ClassGen classGen = new ClassGen( javaClass );

    for(Method m : classGen.getMethods()) {
      if( hasPFTAnn(m)) {
        m.isProtected( false );
    for(Field f : classGen.getFields()) {
      if( hasPFTAnn(f)) {
        f.isProtected( false );
    return classGen.getJavaClass().getBytes();
    } catch( IOException e ) {
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

Test Code
A class with private members
public class ClassWithPrivates {
  private int privateField;

  private int privateMethod() {
    return privateField;
  private void privateMethod(int i) {
    privateField = i;

A class that checks the members of ClassWithPrivates
public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      ClassWithPrivates n = new ClassWithPrivates();
      //Commented out until the compiler can be tricked into accepting access 
      //to private members
      //n.privateField = 3;
      //assert n.privateField == 3;

      try {

        for( Method m : ClassWithPrivates.class.getDeclaredMethods()) {
      } catch( Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);


Output from Test
Note that it says they are public, even though they were declared private. This is because I ran Test with my publicfortest.jar java agent.
public int org.upbiit.publicfortest.NewClass.privateField
public int org.upbiit.publicfortest.NewClass.privateMethod()
public void org.upbiit.publicfortest.NewClass.privateMethod(int)

There may be a case to be made that the changes created by this tool would reduce the validity of tests, as the class under test would be different than it is in production. However, the changes are limited, and with mocks/stubs/etc. we have differences between test and production already.
As long as this tool isn't applied to the compiler when it is compiling non-test code, there should be no risk to code that isn't using reflection.
In the case of production code using reflection, there would be a risk that during production with this tool turned off it may fail to access fields/methods that it was able to access during test.

Possible Future Work
  • Once the compiler and the runtime can both be convinced to treat members with @PublicForTest as public, this code will be usable for making tests more readable, without compromising the production code when it's not under test. But, IDEs and editors may still complain about the tests' attempts to access private members.

Other compilers
  • The next lot of code to trick the compiler into accepting access to private members, will be a bit of a hack. I expect it would only work with the Oracle JDK, and probably also with OpenJDK.

  • What if there are some members that you want to make accessible for unit tests and larger tests, and some that should only be made accessible for unit tests?
    If the @PublicForTest annotation was extended to allow a keyword that would also have to be supplied to the java agent, then this could be controlled.

Restrict packages
  • While you may want to be able to access private members of your own code under test, if you used a library that also used @PublicForTest for testing, its private members probably shouldn't be accessible. So, it may make sense to give the java agent an argument telling it to only pay attention to classes whose full name match a regex, or are in a given package.

Adding support for other compilers, and for IDEs is more work than I personally would find worthwhile.  I may consider it if I got a lot of interest.

BCEL proved to be pretty straight-forward to use, but I wasn't doing anything complicated with it.  When I start using it to change the innards of the compiler, then I'll have to actually create instructions with it.  This is where I expect it will get more complicated (but only in the way that writing assembly code is more complicated than writing source code).

There may be some risk that, because of this tool, code under test could work where code under production would fail. But, this risk is often there with unit tests, as the class under test is using mocks/stubs/etc. instead of the real thing.

When I'm done, I'll post all of the code on my site under an Apache licence.

It might be ugly, but I hope that when it's done, this code might make the boundary between unit tests and production code a little prettier.